Margherita Bruni, MD

ENT / Otolaryngology
Job Title: 
Medical Director
Treatments or Procedures Provided: 
Nasal Laser Ablation
Nasal Sclerotherapy
Oral Laser Ablation
Other AVM Treatment
Overall/General Management of HHT
Young’s Procedure (Nasal Closure)
Conditions Treated: 
Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)
Oral AVMs/Telangiectasias
Other AVMs
Language Spoken: 
600 Northern Boulevard
Suite 100
Great Neck, NY 11021
United States
Scheduling Contact
(516) 562-0415
Education & Facts
Board Certification: 
American Board of Otolaryngology
Residency Program:
University of South Florida College of Medicine - 2014
As an otolaryngologist, nosebleeds (epistaxis) are a routine part of my practice. However, I have always been interested in the more challenging cases, and patients with HHT often are some of the most difficult to control. Since becoming interested in this population, I have dedicated time to researching various techniques and have several options for managing these troublesome nosebleeds. It is rewarding to be able to provide some relief in the severity of these bleeds. Since I sometimes am the first one to diagnose patients with HHT, I am familiar with the required screening recommended and our multi-disciplinary team can coordinate comprehensive care for a patient diagnosed with HHT. My research interests extend to HHT as well, and we have a team dedicated to creating HHT cell lines and studying various treatment options to manage the effects of this disease.
600 Northern Boulevard
Suite 100
Great Neck, NY 11021
United States
Last Updated: July 13, 2022
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