Physician Directory

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Nearest HHT Center of Excellence

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center - 513-636-2084
3333 Burnet Avenue , Cincinnati, OH - 0.00 Mi Away

Name Center Location Specialty Distance Updated
Kelsey Guthrie, MGC, CGC
Johns Hopkins
600 N. Wolfe Street Blalock 1004 , Baltimore, MD
Genetic Counselor 0 Mi 02/21
Jonathan Choy, MD
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Cardiology 0 Mi 02/21
Tim McGaw, MD, MSc, DDS, FRCD
Edmonton HHT Center
107E 14310 111 Ave NW , Edmonton, AB
Dentist 0 Mi 02/21
Thomas Salopek, MD, FRCPC
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Dermatology 0 Mi 02/21
Hao Wei (Linda) Sun, MD
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Jeremy Rempel, MD
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Neuro-Interventional Radiology 0 Mi 02/21
Robert Ashforth, MD
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Neuro-Interventional Radiology 0 Mi 02/21
Vivek Mehta Peds, MD
Edmonton HHT Center
8440 112 Street NW , Edmonton, AB
Neurosurgeon 0 Mi 02/21
Carol Chung, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Pulmonology 0 Mi 02/21
Ronald Damant, MD, FRCPC
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Pulmonology 0 Mi 02/21
Winnie Leung, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Dale Lien, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Eric Wong, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Brian McNab, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Hari Vliagoftis, M.D.
Edmonton HHT Center
CSB 3‐111, 11304‐83 Avenue , Edmonton, AB
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Joshua Meskin, MD, FACC
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin
9200 W Wisconsin Avenue , Milwaukee, WI
Cardiology 0 Mi 02/21
Edit Olasz, MD, PhD
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin
9200 W Wisconsin Avenue , Milwaukee, WI
Dermatology 0 Mi 02/21
Donald Basel, MD
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin
9200 W Wisconsin Avenue , Milwaukee, WI
Geneticist 0 Mi 02/21
Anum Minhas, M.D.
Johns Hopkins
1800 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD
Cardiology 0 Mi 02/21
Tinsay Woreta, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins
1800 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD
Hepatology 0 Mi 02/21
Wikrom Karnsakul, MD
Johns Hopkins
1800 Orleans Street , Baltimore, MD
Hepatology 0 Mi 02/21
Erin O'Brien, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
ENT / Otolaryngology 0 Mi 02/21
Janalee Stokken, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
ENT / Otolaryngology 0 Mi 02/21
Garret Choby, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
ENT / Otolaryngology 0 Mi 02/21
Sanjay Misra, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Interventional Radiology 0 Mi 02/21
Michael Leise, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Gastroenterology, Hepatology 0 Mi 02/21
Rick Nishimura, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Cardiology 0 Mi 02/21
Megha Tollefson, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Dermatology 0 Mi 02/21
Kebede Begna, MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Hematology 0 Mi 02/21
Christopher Viozzi , MD
Mayo Clinic (MN)
200 1st Street SW , Rochester, MN
Surgeon 0 Mi 02/21
Jay Luther, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Gastroenterology, Hepatology 0 Mi 02/21
Ashley Wong, CGC
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Genetic Counselor 0 Mi 02/21
Mingming Ning, MD, MMSc
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Neurology 0 Mi 02/21
Aman Patel, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Neurosurgeon 0 Mi 02/21
Bernard Kinane, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Pediatrician 0 Mi 02/21
Alison Witkin, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Pulmonology 0 Mi 02/21
Alexandra Wong, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
55 Fruit Street , Boston, MA
Pulmonology 0 Mi 02/21
Eric Therasse, M.D.
University of Montreal
CHUM 264 René-Lévesque East, 2nd floor , Montreal, QC
Interventional Radiology 0 Mi 02/21
Eric Deslandres, M.D.
University of Montreal
CHUM 264 René-Lévesque East, 2nd floor , Montreal, QC
Gastroenterology 0 Mi 02/21
John Poneros, MD
New York Presbyterian/ Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Herbert Irving Pavilion 161 Fort Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor , New York, NY
Gastroenterology 0 Mi 05/24


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